Gynecologic Cancer Prevention, Screening


  1. The diagnosis of the different disorders preceeding gynecologic tumors in order to prevent the development of cancer in time.
  2. The diagnosis of cancer as early as possible, since treatment in early stages of the disease gives much better survival chance.


  1. Inspection of the external genitals, vaginal wall and cervix with speculum.
  2. Taking samples from the vagina and cervix for cytologic examination (Pap smear).
  3. Colposcopy (microscopic examination of the cervical surface), if neseccary.
  4. Bimanual examination of the internal genitals (uterus and ovaries).
  5. Bimanual examination of the breasts, mammography above 35 years of age.
  6. Complementary examinations, if necessary: transabdominal or vaginal ultrasound; measurement of CA 125 level in blood.

When to start screening?

At the age of 18, or after the first sexual intercourse, every year. Mammography is advised above 35 in every two years.

How long to continue screening?

Throughout  the whole life, since menopause and aging do not defend against the development of genital tumors!